EPA Proposes to Expand Public Access to Information on More Than One Hundred PFAS “Forever Chemicals” and Support Needed Pollution Prevention Efforts | Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | The EPA news release proposing to expand public access to information on more than one hundred PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) highlights the agency's commitment to transparency and public health protection. This initiative seeks to provide communities with critical data regarding these "forever chemicals," known for their persistence in the environment and potential health risks. The proposal includes measures to improve reporting requirements and enhance access to information related to the detection, management, and regulation of PFAS. | Article,Other Resource Type | 2024 | https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-proposes-expand-public-access-information-more-one-hundred-pfas-forever-chemicals |
EPA and DOJ Announce Settlement with Cahokia Heights, Illinois, for Improper Operation of the City’s Sanitary Sewer System | Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | The EPA and the Department of Justice (DOJ) have announced a settlement regarding the improper operation of the Cahokia Heights, Illinois wastewater treatment facility. This settlement addresses violations of the Clean Water Act and aims to ensure compliance with federal regulations to protect public health and the environment. Under the terms of the settlement, the city will take necessary measures to correct operational deficiencies and implement improvements to its wastewater management practices. This includes investing in infrastructure upgrades and enhancing monitoring and reporting procedures to prevent future violations and ensure the facility operates effectively. The news release provides details about the specific violations, the expected outcomes of the settlement, and the importance of adhering to environmental regulations for safeguarding water quality in the community. | Article,Other Resource Type | 2024 | https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-and-doj-announce-settlement-cahokia-heights-illinois-improper-operation-citys-0 |
Biden-Harris Administration Announces Latest Actions under Nation’s Chemical Safety Law to Protect People from Cancer-Causing Chemicals Trichloroethylene and Perchloroethylene | Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | The EPA news release outlines the Biden-Harris Administration's latest actions under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), which governs the regulation of chemicals in the United States. This announcement highlights the administration's commitment to enhancing chemical safety and protecting public health and the environment. The release details new initiatives aimed at evaluating and regulating potentially harmful chemicals, improving data transparency, and ensuring that both existing and new chemicals meet rigorous safety standards. | Article,Other Resource Type,Resource List | 2024 | https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/biden-harris-administration-announces-latest-actions-under-nations-chemical-safety-law |
EPA’s Annual Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Results Include Strongest Outcomes Since 2017 | Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | The EPA's news release on its annual enforcement and compliance assurance results showcases the agency's strong performance in environmental protection over the past year. It highlights significant outcomes, including increased enforcement actions, compliance measures, and penalties against violators of environmental laws. The report emphasizes the EPA's commitment to safeguarding public health and the environment, addressing critical issues such as air and water quality, hazardous waste management, and pollution control. | Other Resource Type | 2024 | https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epas-annual-enforcement-and-compliance-assurance-results-include-strongest-outcomes-0 |
Water Quality Portal – Tools for Automated Data Analysis (TADA) | Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | The "TADA" (Tool for Assessing Data Availability) resource is a specialized online platform designed to help users assess the availability and quality of water data across the United States. TADA is particularly valuable for researchers, environmental professionals, and policymakers seeking to understand water resource conditions and make informed decisions based on comprehensive data analysis. TADA provides users with easy access to a wide range of water data sources, including information on water quality, quantity, and ecological conditions, facilitating a comprehensive evaluation of water resources. The platform features an intuitive design that allows users to quickly navigate through available datasets, search for specific information, and retrieve relevant data tailored to their needs. TADA includes built-in tools for assessing data completeness, quality, and comparability, enabling users to evaluate the reliability of the information and determine its suitability for various applications. | Tool | 2024 | https://www.epa.gov/waterdata/TADA |
EPA and Puerto Rico Authorities Announce Funding to Enhance Bayamon’s Wastewater Treatment Plant | Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | This news release announces a collaborative funding initiative aimed at enhancing the wastewater treatment facilities in Bayamón, Puerto Rico. This funding, part of the EPA's broader commitment to improving water infrastructure, will support critical upgrades to the wastewater treatment system, ensuring better compliance with environmental standards and improved public health outcomes. The release outlines the expected benefits of the investment, including enhanced water quality and increased operational efficiency. | Article,Other Resource Type | 2024 | https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-and-puerto-rico-authorities-announce-funding-enhance-bayamons-wastewater-treatment |
President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda to Provide $37 million to Reduce Flooding, Protect Water Quality in San Diego | Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | This news release announces President Biden's Investing in America agenda, which allocates $37 million in funding to reduce flooding and protect vulnerable communities across the nation. This investment is aimed at enhancing infrastructure resilience and supporting local initiatives to mitigate flood risks. The funding will assist various projects that focus on improving stormwater management, restoring natural waterways, and implementing innovative solutions to combat flooding. | Article,Other Resource Type | 2024 | https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/president-bidens-investing-america-agenda-provide-37-million-reduce-flooding-protect |
EPA Protects Maui & Hawai‘i Water by Ordering Closure of Five Cesspools | Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | This news release announces EPA's action to protect water quality in Maui, Hawaii, by ordering the closure of five cesspools. The release details how these cesspools pose significant risks to public health and the environment, particularly in relation to groundwater contamination and the health of nearby water bodies. It emphasizes the EPA's commitment to enforcing environmental regulations that safeguard water resources. The announcement includes information about the potential impacts of cesspool discharges and outlines the steps required for compliance. | Article,Other Resource Type | 2024 | https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-protects-maui-hawaii-water-ordering-closure-five-cesspools |
EPA Settles with Hell’s Kitchen Geothermal over Wetlands Discharge, Impact on Salton Sea | Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | The EPA news release announces a settlement with Hells Kitchen Geothermal regarding violations related to the discharge of pollutants into wetlands affecting the Salton Sea in California. This settlement addresses the environmental impacts caused by the geothermal facility, which includes measures to remediate the wetlands and prevent future discharges. The release outlines the terms of the agreement, emphasizing the importance of protecting sensitive ecosystems and water quality in the region. | Article,Other Resource Type | 2024 | https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-settles-hells-kitchen-geothermal-over-wetlands-discharge-impact-salton-sea |
Wai Maoli: Hawai‘i Fresh Water Initiative (PDF) | Hawaii Community Foundation | Hawai‘i faces a potential fresh water crisis due to factors like a 30-year decrease in rainfall, population growth, tourism, and significant loss of watershed forests. In response, HCF launched the Wai Maoli: Hawai‘i Fresh Water Initiative in 2013, bringing together stakeholders from various sectors to form a Fresh Water Council and address water supply challenges proactively. | Webinars & Videos,Website | 2023 | https://www.hawaiicommunityfoundation.org/file/2022/CGI-001-21-Blueprint-for-Change-FWI-brochurePages.pdf |
Oregon's Integrated Report | State of Oregon | Provides an interactive mapping tool that displays various geographic data related to environmental monitoring and water quality standards. Users can explore a range of layers, including water bodies, pollution sources, and regulatory information, allowing for a comprehensive analysis of water quality issues in specific areas. The application is designed for use by environmental professionals, researchers, and policymakers, facilitating informed decision-making and enhanced understanding of local water conditions. This resource is valuable for stakeholders interested in assessing water quality impacts, planning conservation efforts, and promoting sustainable water management practices.management practices. | Report,Tool | 2024 | https://geo.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/sidebar/index.html?appid=7d13b19e01a44f1dbfd12903576e6d29¢er=-123.1566;45.2098&level=14&hiddenLayers=184398cc100-layer-34;182b313569b-layer-27;182b313c907-layer-28;WQStandards_WM_9466;18ed094d6a5-layer-60;18da628482f-layer-36;182b310faf5-layer-26;18dae747290-layer-41;18daa1f2c54-layer-44;182b30dd09b-layer-24;182b30c8480-layer-23;18eedd84367-layer-64 |
PCAST Welcomes Public Input on America’s Groundwater Challenges | The White House | The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) has released a statement inviting public input on America's groundwater challenges, as part of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) initiatives. This resource outlines the importance of groundwater management and seeks to engage stakeholders, including scientists, policymakers, and community members, in addressing issues related to groundwater depletion, contamination, and sustainability. The announcement encourages contributions of ideas, solutions, and best practices to inform future strategies and policies aimed at protecting this vital resource. | Other Resource Type,Report | 2024 | https://www.whitehouse.gov/pcast/briefing-room/2024/04/25/pcast-welcomes-public-input-on-americas-groundwater-challenges/ |
Implementing IIJA: Perspectives on The Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Act, Part II | U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works | This video is of the US Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works hearing held on September 7th, 2023, titled "Implementing IIJA: Perspectives on the Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Act, Part II." The hearing explored diverse viewpoints on the Act's potential impact on aging infrastructure, featuring testimonies from public officials, industry experts, and community advocates. This discussion aimed to inform future efforts in safeguarding clean water access and sanitation systems across the nation. | Video | 2023 | https://www.epw.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2023/9/implementing-iija-perspectives-on-the-drinking-water-and-wastewater-infrastructure-act-part-ii |