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Resource TitleAuthorDescriptionResource TypeYear
President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda to Provide $37 million to Reduce Flooding, Protect Water Quality in San DiegoEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)This news release announces President Biden's Investing in America agenda, which allocates $37 million in funding to reduce flooding and protect vulnerable communities across the nation. This investment is aimed at enhancing infrastructure resilience and supporting local initiatives to mitigate flood risks. The funding will assist various projects that focus on improving stormwater management, restoring natural waterways, and implementing innovative solutions to combat flooding.Article,Other Resource Type2024
Wai Maoli: Hawai‘i Fresh Water Initiative (PDF)Hawaii Community FoundationHawai‘i faces a potential fresh water crisis due to factors like a 30-year decrease in rainfall, population growth, tourism, and significant loss of watershed forests. In response, HCF launched the Wai Maoli: Hawai‘i Fresh Water Initiative in 2013, bringing together stakeholders from various sectors to form a Fresh Water Council and address water supply challenges proactively.Webinars & Videos,Website2023
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