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Program NameSourceDescriptionHow To ApplyCurrent Funding LevelContact
North Dakota Rural Community Grant (RCG) FundAgriBankThe North Dakota Rural Community Grant (RCG) Fund supports projects and programs in rural communities in western North Dakota to facilitate infrastructure improvement and/or development initiatives encompassing housing projects; health, safety and environmental programs; medical facilities; educational programs; and more.Project must be located in rural communities in western North Dakota. Apply for the funding at this web address: ( up to $50,000 are available.
(651) 282-8800 AgriBank Fill out this form to contact the organization: ( 30 East 7th Street Suite 1600 St. Paul, MN, 55101
Alabama Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) Area Development FundAlabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA)The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) awards grants and contracts from funds appropriated to the Commission annually by Congress. Program grants are awarded to state and local agencies and governmental entities (such as economic development authorities), local governing boards (such as county councils), and nonprofit organizations (such as schools and organizations that build low-cost housing). ARC provides funds for basic infrastructure services, including water and sewer facilities, that enhance economic development opportunities or address serious health issues for residential customers.Pre-applications are taken the entire month of August. Pre-application guidelines and other documents are available here: ( usual maximum Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) funding per project is $200,000.
Crystal G. Talley (334) 353-2630 Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) 401 Adams Avenue Suite 592 Montgomery, AL, 36103-5690
Alabama Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) ProgramAlabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA)Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds may be utilized to address a wide variety of community needs, including construction or renovation of various infrastructure projects such as water, wastewater, and solid waste facilities, streets, and drainage improvement projects. The funds must be used for activities that either benefit low- and moderate-income persons or address community development needs that have a particular urgency.Application procedure workshops typically begin in April. The deadline for applications is typically in July. Please go to ( for additional information. Applications can be accessed through the website.The Small City Fund has a ceiling of $400,000. The Large City Fund and County Fund both have ceilings of $500,000.
Shabbir Olia (334) 242-5468 Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) PO Box 5690 Montgomery, AL, 36103
Alabama Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF)Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM)Alabama's Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) is designed to be a perpetual source of low-cost financial assistance for the construction of public water supply facilities needed to meet compliance standards and clean water requirements.Projects must apply to be on the annual priority list by submitting an Intended Use Plan (IUP). The pre-application form is available online at ( ADEM will evaluate the pre-applications according to the integrated priority system. All projects that score above the funding line will be invited to submit full applications. Upon final review and approval, loans will close typically within six months. Contact your state office for more information.In FY22, ADEM distributed $21.9 million in project assistance. The Fund offered loans for up to 100 percent of allowable project costs for the construction of water treatment and distribution facilities and offered a range of options regarding the term, interest rate and level of loan funding.
James Dailey (334) 271-7913 Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) PO Box 301463 Montgomery, AL, 36130
Alabama Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF)Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM)Alabama's Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) is designed to be a perpetual source of low-cost financial assistance for the construction of public water supply facilities needed to meet compliance standards and public health requirements.Projects must apply to be on the annual priority list by submitting an Intended Use Plan (IUP). The pre-application form is available online at ( ADEM will evaluate the pre-applications according to the integrated priority system. All projects that score above the funding line will be invited to submit full applications. Upon final review and approval, loans will close typically within six months. Contact your state office for more information.In FY22, ADEM planned to distribute $42.7 million in project assistance. The Fund may offer loans for up to 100 percent of allowable project costs for the construction of water treatment and distribution facilities and may offer a range of options regarding the term, interest rate and level of loan funding.
James Dailey (334) 271-7913 Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) PO Box 301463 Montgomery, AL, 36130
Alabama Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 319 Nonpoint Source Management GrantAlabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM)Alabama Nonpoint Source (NPS) Implementation Grants fund projects in support of Alabama's Nonpoint Source Management Program. Funding is distributed via a competitive process to projects that will lead to direct reductions in pollutant loads and measurable water quality improvements.State agencies, local governmental units, non-profit organizations, and public institutions with an active registration in the System for Award Management are eligible to apply for a subaward for projects that relate to implementation of nonpoint source pollution prevention or reduction. To apply, individuals must participate in a pre-application consultation and use the current application and guidelines.Funding levels vary based on scope of the project.
Susan Summerlin (334) 394-4354 Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) PO Box 301463 Montgomery, AL, 36130
Alameda County Community Stewardship GrantsAlameda Countywide Clean Water ProgramThe Program encourages and facilitates grassroots community actions that enhance and protect the health of local watersheds, creeks, and the San Francisco Bay. Proposed projects must be aimed at reducing pollutants that enter the storm drain system and end up in waterways such as litter, garden chemicals, automotive products etc. Projects must also contain a community or public outreach element.Apply online (Note: The Grants program is currently on hold for 2023 but looking to restart in 2024.)Funding range of $500 - $5,000 per project.
Juliana Gonzalez (510) 665-3430 Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program 1327 South 46th Street Building 155 Richmond, CA, 94804
Alaska Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) ProgramAlaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development - Division of Community and Regional Affairs (DCCED-DCRA)Alaska Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds may be utilized to address a wide variety of community needs, including construction or renovation of various infrastructure projects such as water, wastewater, and solid waste facilities, streets, and flood control projects. The funds must be used for activities that either benefit low- and moderate-income persons or address community development needs that have a particular urgency.Each applicant is expected to consult with Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program staff about project eligibility and structure prior to submission of an application. Please see the application handbook online for full application details. Applications can be accessed online at ( Development Block Grant (CDBG) competitive grants are single-purpose project grants; maximum of $850, 000 per community. Approximately $2.5 million is available for competitive grants for the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 23 grant cycle.
Pauletta Bourne (907) 451-2721 Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development - Division of Community and Regional Affairs (ADCCED-DCRA) 550 W 7th Avenue Suite 1650 Anchorage, AK, 99501
Alaska Department of Education Capital Improvement Project (CIP)Alaska Department of Education (ADE)The Alaska Department of Education offers funding to qualified school districts for renovations. Criteria for preferred selection are based on Alaskan statues AS 14.11 and 4 AAC 31, which can be found on the organization's website.Interested applicants must submit proposals before September 1st of each year to be considered. Visit the website for application materials.Funding level is based on eligible project costs to be covered. Historical funding amounts approach $50,000,000.
Stephanie Allison (907) 465-8696 Alaska Department of Education (ADE) PO Box 110500 Juneau, AK, 99811-0500
Alaska Drinking Water Fund (ADWF)Alaska Department of Environmental ConservationThe purpose of Alaska Drinking Water Fund (ADWF) is to make low interest loans available to Alaskan municipalities and other qualified entities for financing drinking water quality related projects. Alaska's version of Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF).Projects must apply to be on the annual priority list by submitting an Intended Use Plan(IUP). Application guidelines can be accessed online. Contact your state office for more information.$25 Million available for FY24.
Carrie Bohan (907) 465-5143 Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 555 Cordova Street Anchorage, AK, 99501-2617
Alaska Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 319 Nonpoint Source Management GrantsAlaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC)The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) administers a pass-through grants program that awards and monitors sub-grants of EPA’s Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 319 to help communities identify nonpoint source (NPS) pollution sources, prepare watershed-based management plans, and take action to reduce or prevent NPS pollution.Completed application packages must be submitted online via the fillable form. If you are applying for more than one project, please submit separate applications.Approximately $610,000 is estimated to be available for the project period between March 1, 2023, and February 28, 2025.
Laura Eldred 907-376-1855 Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) 333 Willoughby Avenue, 8th Floor Suite 800 Juneau, AK, 99811
Missouri Alternative Capital for Community ImpactAltCapThe Missouri Alternative Capital for Community Impact provides loan capital for small businesses in Kansas City, Missouri.The Missouri Alternative Capital for Community Impact is available for small businesses in the Kansas City Region. Applications can be started at this link: ($5,000 to $250,000
Kesi Milligan (816) 269-7809 AltCap 3200 Wayne Avenue Kansas City, MO, 64109
American Indian Chamber of Commerce Wisconsin (AICCW) First American Capital Corporation (FACC) LoansAmerican Indian Chamber of Commerce Wisconsin (AICCW) First American Capital Corporation (FACC)The American Indian Chamber of Commerce Wisconsin (AICCW) First American Capital Corporation (FACC) Loans program provides loans for a variety of spending categories, including the purchase of equipment, machinery, and fixtures used for small businesses.Eligible applicants must be Native American-owned, Tribal-owned, other minority-owned, and individuals and businesses in Wisconsin. The Loan Application process starts with a phone call to First American Capital Corporation. Ask to speak with a Loan Officer to discuss your project.Loan Min: $5,000. Loan Max: $250,000.
Clarissa Reyes (414) 604-2044 American Indian Chamber of Commerce Wisconsin (AICCW) First American Capital Corporation (FACC) 10710 West Scharles Ave Hales Corners, WI, 53130
American Water Environmental Grant ProgramAmerican WaterThe American Water Environmental Grant Program offers funding for innovative, community-based environmental projects that improve, restore or protect the watersheds, surface water and groundwater supplies in local communities.The 2023 deadline to apply was March 31st but keep a look out for the 2024 application deadline. The application form is on the website.Maximum grant amount: $10, 000.
Find the contact information for your state here: ( (856) 955-4001 American Water 1 Water Street Camden, NJ, 08102
Anne Arundel County Watershed RestorationAnne Arundel County Bureau of Watershed ProtectionThe Anne Arundel County Government and the Chesapeake Bay Trust provide a grant program to support watershed restoration projects and programs throughout Anne Arundel County, Maryland. This program aims to improve water quality in the County's local streams and waterways, as called for in the County's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit and Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP), which require reductions in storm flow volume and pollutants entering the County's waterways. Please note: Applicants must contact the Trust to arrange a site visit between Trust and funding partner staff before applying for funding.The Chesapeake Bay Trust's grant applications are all submitted through an online system. See the RFP here: ($15,000 to $300,000. Larger awards are possible with prior approval from the Trust. Match is encouraged but is not required. Preference will be given to projects with cash match and/or in-kind services.
Sarah Koser (410) 974-2941 ext .106 Anne Arundel County 108 Severn Avenue Annapolis, MD, 21403
Arizona Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 319 Nonpoint Source Management GrantArizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ)The Water Quality Improvement Grant Program is a reimbursement-based grant program that allows watershed partnerships, landowners, state agencies, local governments, universities, and other entities to leverage their money and resources on projects and activities that will quantifiably reduce nonpoint source pollution in Arizona water bodies. Water Quality Improvement Grants are sub-awards of Arizona’s CWA Section 319 funding from EPA.Information on how to apply can be found on the program website.Funding varies. Historic grants have been approximately between $50,000 and $1 million.
Erin Jordan (602) 663-4519 Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) Suite #160 1110 W. Washington Street Phoenix, AZ, 85007
Arkansas Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 319 Nonpoint Source Management GrantArkansas Department of AgricultureSection 319(h) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) provides federal funding through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to states to reduce and control nonpoint source (NPS) pollutants. The Arkansas Natural Resources Division's (ANRD) Nonpoint Source Program accepts project proposals to select recipients for 319 grant funding. Projects may include the implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs), demonstrations of effective techniques, technical assistance, education, and monitoring.Applicants for the FY2024 319 grant have been selected for full workplan submission. Workplans and subgrant agreements will be finalized in Summer-Fall 2024. ANRD Water Quality Section staff will begin accepting pre-proposals for FY2025 in Summer 2024. Please check back on the website for further details.Funding varies.
Tate Wentz (501) 682-3914 Arkansas Department of Agriculture 10421 West Markham Street Little Rock, AR, 72205
Arkansas Unpaved Roads ProgramArkansas Department of Agriculture (ADA)The Arkansas Unpaved Roads Program funds safe, efficient, and environmentally sound projects for the maintenance of dirt and gravel roads, provide training to road maintenance professionals on techniques of dirt and gravel road maintenance that minimize negative impacts to water and air quality, and conduct demonstrations of new and innovative techniques of dirt and gravel road construction and maintenance.Only projects that provide some form of environmental benefit, typically by reducing sediment and concentrated drainage to waterways, will be considered for funding. Grant applications are due March 1st of each year to be eligible for the current year's funding and be accessed online.Applicants with an eligible project may apply for up to $75, 000.
Kevin McGaughey (501) 682-3908 Arkansas Department of Agriculture (ADA) 101 East Capitol Suite 350 Little Rock, AR, 72201
Arkansas Water Development Division ProgramsArkansas Natural Resources Commission (ANRC)Arkansas Natural Resources Commission (ANRC) has available funding for water and wastewater projects from both State and Federal programs. Each of these programs has its own requirements and limitations.Each applicant fills out a general Arkansas Natural Resources Commission (ANRC) application form and ANRC staff will determine which program best fits the community's needs. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis; check the website for detailed instructions on how to begin the application process.ANRC has funded projects for $5,000 up to $50,000,000.
Leah Johannes (501) 682-0548 Arkansas Natural Resources Commission (ANRC) 10421 West Markham St. Little Rock, AR, 72205
Arkansas Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF)Arkansas Natural Resources Commission (NRC)Arkansas Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) provides low interest loans for wastewater programs. Objectives are to hasten wastewater treatment facility construction in order to meet the enforceable requirements of the CWA, emphasize nonpoint source pollution control and the protection of estuaries, and facilitate the establishment of permanent institutions in each State that would provide continuing sources of financing needed to maintain water quality.Projects must apply to be on the annual priority list by submitting an Intended Use Plan (IUP). Applications can be found online. Contact your state office for more informationPast funding levels range from $160, 000 to $1,600,000.
Debby Dickson (501) 682-0548 Arkansas Natural Resources Commission (NRC) 10421 West Markham Street Little Rock, AK, 72205
Arkansas Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF)Arkansas Natural Resources Commission (NRC)The overall program is named the Safe Drinking Water Fund (SDWF). The SDWF is made up of two programs which are the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) program and the State Set-Aside Fund (SSAF) program. The SSAF Program will use the funds to provide Small Systems Technical Assistance, State Program Management, Local Assistance and Administration Funds. Funding is available for drinking water programs.Projects must apply to be on the annual priority list by submitting an Intended Use Plan (IUP). Applications can be found online. Contact your state office for more information.Past funding ranges from $700,000 to $11,000,000.
Debby Dickson (501) 682-0548 Arkansas Natural Resources Commission (NRC) 10421 West Markham Street Little Rock, AR, 72205
Ayrshire Foundation: GrantAyrshire FoundationThe Ayrshire Foundation provides grants to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations that embrace people, infrastructure, values, practices and policies for organizational success. The Foundation has focused its funding in five areas: Opportunities for Youth; Science and the Environment; Healthcare; Services for the Elderly and Disabled; and Community Culture. Preference is given to organizations located in Southern California and Petoskey/Harbor Springs, Michigan. However, the Foundation welcomes inquiries from other locations.Applications are submitted online and are reviewed at semi-annual board meetings. Applications are due by March 15 for consideration during the April meeting, and September 15 for consideration during the October meeting. Application instructions are available at ( and the application form can be found here: ( year the Ayrshire Foundation awards approximately $500,000 in grants.
(626) 683-8367 301 East Colorado Boulevard Suite 840 Pasadena, CA, 91101-1917
North Dakota Community Water Facility Revolving Loan Fund (NDCWF)Bank of North Dakota (BND)Provides financing for community water projects when the project is above the maximum loan limits set by USDA Rural Development (RD). It is also the intent of this program to provide supplemental financing for federal loan programs associated with community water projects. Eligible applicants are cities, associations, cooperatives and corporations operated on a nonprofit basis who have the legal authority to construct, operate and maintain water facilities. This program may be used for community water projects including: locating, conserving, controlling, treating and distributing water (these include reservoirs, dams, canals, wells, pumps, treatment plants, mains, pipelines, and other associated features necessary to supply water); necessary services prior to RD approval; and loans to cover operating expenses of projects when the borrower is unable to pay such expenses.Complete an application for the Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant Program with the USDA office of Rural Development. Applications approved by Rural Development are forwarded to BND for review and approval.The maximum lending limit is 50 percent of the total project cost or the remaining available funds in the revolving account.
Contact form: (701) 328-5795 Bank of North Dakota (BND) 1200 Memorial Highway PO Box 5509 Bismarck, ND, 58504-5509
Bella Vista Ecosystem Restoration GrantsBella Vista FoundationThe Bella Vista Foundation's Watershed Restoration program focuses on restoration and revitalization of key watershed ecosystems within specific geographic areas in California and Oregon. In California, they will fund projects in the entire Klamath Watershed; and in the Sierra Nevada, the Truckee River watershed, Yuba/Bear/American rivers, and the North Fork Feather River watershed; and in Oregon, the upper Deschutes Basin and the upper John Day Basin.See the "How to Apply" box for new applicants or the "How to Reapply" box for returning applicants at the bottom of this page:( Bella Vista Foundation grants roughly $4 million annually. Historic loan maximum of $120,000.
Araceli Ayala (415) 561-6540 Bella Vista Foundation 1660 Bush Street Suite 300 San Francisco, CA, 94109
Ben & Jerry's Foundation GrantsBen & Jerry's FoundationThe Ben & Jerry's Foundation offers competitive grants to not-for-profit, grassroots organizations throughout the United States which facilitate progressive social change by addressing the underlying conditions of societal and environmental problems.When the application process is open; review the eligibility requirements, take the eligibility questionnaire, create an account, fill out the pre-application, and complete an application.The National Grassroots Organizing Program offers two-year flexible, general operating support grants of up to $30,000 per year, with an average grant size of $20,000 per year, to small, non-profit grassroots constituent-led organizations throughout the United States and its territories and that are not located in the state of Vermont.
Dana Jeffery (802) 846-1500 30 Community Drive South Burlington, VT, 5403
Colorado Plant Conservation and Restoration Management ProgramBureau of Land ManagementThe BLM Colorado Plant Conservation and Restoration Program is dedicated to preserving and restoring native plant species and their habitats across Colorado's diverse landscapes. This program focuses on the conservation of rare, threatened, and sensitive plant species while promoting sustainable land management practices.Announcements of federal funding opportunities are posted on ( The FY2025 application package can be found here: ( ranges from $25,000 up to $250,000.
Thelma Mosley (202) 208-3801 Bureau of Land Management 1849 C Street NW Washington, DC, 20240
California Forest and Woodlands Resource Management ProgramBureau of Land ManagementThe California Forest and Woodland Program is designed to promote the health and resilience of California's forested and woodland ecosystems. This program focuses on sustainable management practices, conservation efforts, and restoration activities to enhance biodiversity, reduce wildfire risks, and improve water quality.Announcements of federal funding opportunities are posted on ( The FY2025 application package can be found here: ( ranges from $50,000 up to $300,000.
Emmy Ellison Bureau of Land Management 1849 C Street NW Washington, DC, 20240
Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act (SNPLMA)Bureau of Land Management (BLM)The Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act (SNPLMA) allows the Bureau of Land Management to sell public land within a specific boundary around Las Vegas, Nevada. A portion of the revenue derived from the sales is available to the Secretary of Interior for 1) parks, trails and natural areas, 2) capital improvements, 3) conservation initiatives, 4) HCPs, 5) environmentally sensitive land acquisitions, and 6) Lake Tahoe Restoration Act projects.Government entities can apply online. See the SMART user guide for details.$2.9 million in federal funding.
Program contact varies by project category. Check website under "Contact Us." (702) 515-5017 Bureau of Land Management (BLM) 1849 C Street NW Washington, DC, 20240
Desalination and Water Purification Research ProgramBureau of ReclamationThe goal of the Desalination and Water Purification Research Program (DWPR) is to increase water supplies by reducing the cost, energy consumption, and environmental impacts of treating impaired and otherwise unusable waters. See Notice of Funding document under "Related Documents" on the grant application page to see what types of projects can be funded.Application deadline 11/15/2023. Check back in 2024 for updated application information.FY24 estimated program total funding was $2,000,000 and the award ceiling was $800,000.
Christina Munoz Bureau of Reclamation Bureau of Reclamation 1849 C Street NW Washington, DC, 20240
Water Conservation Field Services Program for Fiscal Year 2025Bureau of ReclamationReclamation established the Water Conservation FieldServices Program (WCFSP) in 1996 to encourage beneficiaries of Federal water projects to conserve water, and to assist agricultural and urban water districts in preparing and implementing water conservation plans in accordance with the Reclamation Reform Act (RRA) of 1982. Through the WCFSP, Reclamation makes cost-shared financial assistance available for developing water conservation and or water management plans as appropriate, identifying water management improvements through System Optimization Reviews (SORs), designing water management improvements, and improving the understanding of water conservation techniques through demonstration activities.The application package is provided on the webpage.Funding up to 100,000 per entity.
Chandrika Nasstrom (725) 232-5386 Bureau of Reclamation 1849 C Street NW Washington, DC, 20240
WaterSMART Environmental Water Resources ProjectsBureau of ReclamationWaterSMART Environmental Water Resources Projects is a category of funding to support projects focused on environmental benefits and that have been developed as part of a collaborative process to help carry out an established strategy to increase the reliability of water resources.The application package can be found here: ( award is $5 million.
Avra Morgan (303) 445-2906 Bureau of Reclamation 1849 C Street NW Washington, DC, 20240-0001
Water Conservation Field Services Program (WCFSP)Bureau of Reclamation (BOR)The Water Conservation Field Services Program (WCFSP) is managed by each of Reclamation's regional offices and implemented at the local level through Reclamation's area offices to address Reclamation-wide water conservation priorities and to meet local goals.Contact the agency before applying.Funding is used to make cost-shared financial assistance available on a competitive basis at the area and regional office levels, as well as for technical assistance from Reclamation staff. Funding may be used to develop water conservation plans, identify water management improvements through System Optimization Reviews, design water management improvements, and to improve application of water conservation technologies through demonstration activities.
Sheri Looper (303) 445-2232 U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) Building 67 (84-51000) PO Box 25007 Denver, CO, 80225
WaterSMART: Desalination Construction Projects ProgramBureau of Reclamation (BOR)The Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act provides new authority to Reclamation to develop a desalination construction program that will provide a path for ocean or brackish water desalination projects to receive Federal funding. Reclamation is developing a new WaterSMART Desalination Construction Program to allocate funding for desalination projects through a competitive grant program.Funding opportunities are posted on the webpage and ( up to $30 million for fiscal years 2023 and 2024.
Maribeth Menendez (303) 445-2766 U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) 1849 C Street NW Washington, DC, 20240
WaterSMART: Basin StudiesBureau of Reclamation (BOR)Basin Studies are collaborative studies, cost-shared with non-Federal partners, to evaluate water supply and demand and help ensure reliable water supplies by identifying strategies to address imbalances in water supply and demand.Apply for funding online. See the "Program Requirements" tab.Funding varies.
Stephanie Micek 303-445-3575 U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) Building 67 (84-51000) PO Box 25007 Denver, CO, 80225
Burning Foundation Environmental ProgramsBurning FoundationThe Burning Foundation Environmental Program funds organizations addressing environmental issues mainly in Washington and Oregon although organizations from other regions may apply if their projects will take place in the Pacific Northwest. Priority projects include local groups working to improve habitats in their immediate area and statewide groups addressing general habitat conservation and protection.Apply online. To apply during the spring cycle letters of interest are due the last Friday of March while full proposals are due the first Wednesday of May. To apply during the Fall cycle letters of interest are due the last Friday of September, and full proposals are due the first Wednesday of November. Apply at this link:( range from $5,000 to $15,000. Approximately $650,000 is granted each year.
Sybil Ackerman-Munson (503) 419-8454 Burning Foundation 715 SW Morrison Street Suite 901 Portland, OR, 97205
Oregon Special Public Works Fund (SPWF)Business OregonThe Special Public Works Fund (SPWF) provides low-cost financing to eligible municipalities that support economic and community development in Oregon.Applications are accepted year round based on funding availability. Applicants must submit a completed application to Business Oregon. ​​For more details on the application process, please contact your Regional Development Officer. ​Loan funding (max $10 million) is available for financing small to large projects with favorable interest rates and terms up to 30 years or the useful life of the project, whichever is less, for most projects. Limited grant funding is available for technical assistance and emergency projects based on financial analysis. Grant funding varies based on type of project.
Becky Baxter (503) 931-4403 The State of Oregon 775 Summer Street NE, Suite 200 Salem, OR, 97301
Oregon Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) ProgramBusiness Oregon (BO)Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds may be utilized to address a wide variety of community needs, including construction or renovation of various infrastructure projects such as water, wastewater, and solid waste facilities, streets, and flood control projects. The funds must be used for activities that either benefit low- and moderate-income persons or address community development needs that have a particular urgency.​​Business Oregon reviews applications on an annual basis until all funds available for the year have been obligated. ​Business Oregon must be contacted prior to submitting an application. Contact your Regional Project Manager​ to develop a project concept and complete a pre-application form. If a proposed project meets funding criteria and funds are available, an application will be invited and a provided form will need to be completed and submitted by the application deadline. Completed forms must be submitted by 5:00 pm on the last day of the application period. Application period dates can be found on the website.Funding amounts are based on the applicant's need, the availability of funds, and other restrictions as defined in the program's guidelines. Maximum grant amount varies by categories as defined on the fund's website but generally they range from $100,000 to $2.5 million.
Fumi Schaadt (971) 239-9020 The State of Oregon 775 Summer Street NE Suite 200 Salem, OR, 97301
California Whale Tail GrantsCalifornia Coastal CommissionThe California Whale Tail Grants Program will fund projects that fall into any one of the following three categories: 1) shoreline cleanup and enhancement programs(such as Adopt-A-Beach); 2) youth education programs; 3) programs for educating the general public. In addition, applicants have the option to request funding under two special subcategories: a) projects addressing climate change as it relates to the ocean or coastline; and b) grants for organizations with annual operating budgets of $500,000 or less, that are working with underserved communities.Apply online.The maximum grant is $50,000. There's no minimum grant amount. At least 25% of the grants recommended will be for amounts of $20,000 or less. Approximately $2,000,000 will be distributed in this grant cycle.
Annie Kohut Frankel (415) 597-5888 California Coastal Commission 45 Fremont St San Francisco, CA, 94105
California Private Lands Incentive ProgramsCalifornia Department of Fish and GameThe California Private Lands Incentive Programs encourage landowners to actively manage their land for the benefit of wildlife by incentivizing them to implement habitat improvements, such as planting native plants, creating water sources, and building brush piles, in exchange for their participation.Contact information is provided under each program.Funding varies with each program.
Brian Olson (916) 801-8929 California Department of Fish and Wildlife - Wetland Conservation Program (WCP) P.O. Box 944029 West Sacramento, CA, 94244
California Riverine Stewardship ProgramCalifornia Department of Water ResourcesThe Riverine Stewardship Program, in coordination with the San Joaquin Fish Population Enhancement Program (SJFPEP) and the Urban Streams Restoration Program (USRP), will make funding available for planning and implementation of projects that restore streams, creeks, and rivers to enhance the environment for fish, wildlife, and people through one grant cycle.Information on how to apply can be found on the website. Applications are submitted here: ( depends on scope of project.
(916) 653-5791 California Department of Water Resources 715 P Street Sacramento, CA, 95814
California Floodway Corridor Program (FCP) (Prop 1E)California Department of Water Resources (DWR)The Flood Corridor Program (FCP) provides grant funding for flood risk reduction projects with an agricultural and/or environmental benefit. Eligible activities include acquiring rights-of-ways for flood corridors, construction of levees for corridors and bypasses, conservation of agricultural land and wildlife habitat, relocating or flood-proofing structures, and mapping flood hazard areas.Email the agency for application information.The funding levels vary depending on the project.
(916) 653-5791 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) 715 P Street Sacramento, CA, 95814
California San Joaquin River Water Quality Grant Program - Proposition 84California Department of Water Resources (DWR)The California San Jaquin River Water Quality Grant Program funds efforts to reduce discharges of agricultural chemicals, etc. into the San Joaquin Delta. Provides funds to implement Delta water quality improvement projects that protect drinking water supplies.Apply online or by contacting the listed contact.The funding level varies based on each applicant and project.
Jesus Mercado (559) 230-3327 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Fill out this form to contact the agency: ( 715 P Street Sacramento, CA, 95814
California Water Recycling Funding Program (WRFP)California Environmental Protection Agency (CAEPA) - State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)The California Water Recycling Funding Program (WRFP) promotes the beneficial use of treated municipal wastewater (water recycling) in order to augment fresh water supplies in California by providing technical and financial assistance to agencies and other stakeholders in support of water recycling projects and research. Specific programs include, planning, construction, research, and pilot projects.Planning grant are only eligible to Local Public Agencies. Construction funding may be available to Local Public Agencies, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations qualified to do business in California, public utilities, federally and non-federally recognized Native American tribes on the Native American Heritage Commission's (NAHC) list, and mutual water companies. Applications are accepted on a continuous basis. An online application can be completed and submitted here: level varies.
Sandeep Kals (916) 324-8404 California Environmental Protection Agency (CAEPA)- State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) PO Box 944212 Sacramento, CA, 94244
California Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program (DWSRF)California Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWRSF) program assists public water systems in financing the cost of drinking water infrastructure projects needed to achieve or maintain compliance with Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) requirements.Projects must apply to be on the annual priority list by submitting an Intended Use Plan (IUP). Applications are accepted on a continuous basis. Click the "How do I Apply" tab for more application information.Funding level varies.
Uyen Trinh-Le (916) 440-7590 California Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) 1001 I Street Sacramento, CA, 95814
California Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program (CWSRF)California Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)The Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) program offers low-cost financing for a wide variety of water quality projects. The program has significant financial assets and is capable of financing projects up to $100 million.Applications are accepted on a continuous basis. For application instructions and information visit this website: ( Contact California Waterboards for more info.The program has significant financial assets, and is capable of financing projects up to $100 million. Funding level determined by priority, number of applicants, and total CWSRF amount to loan.
Robert Pontureri (916) 341-5828 California Environmental Protection Agency - State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) 1001 I Street, 17th Floor Sacramento, CA, 95814
California Water or Energy Audit Financial AssistanceCalifornia Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), State Water Resources Control BoardThe purpose of the Water or Energy Audit is to encourage public agencies to take an independent look into their current practices, identify potentially inefficient water or energy use and follow up with a well thought out plan to improve consumption of these valuable resources. The agency is encouraged to study water and energy in the audit, but may focus on one or the other. All audits must be related to projects, facilities, or activities that are otherwise eligible for Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) funding. Agencies may hire consultants to perform the audit, or perform the work with their own staff.Application instructions: ( forgiveness may be awarded for 100% of the audit costs, up to a maximum of $35,000. (916) 327-9978 California Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Financial Assistance 1001 I Street Sacramento, CA, 95814
California Infrastructure State Revolving Fund (ISRF)California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (IBank)The Infrastructure State Revolving Fund (ISRF) Program provides financing to public agencies and non-profit corporations sponsored by public agencies for a wide variety of infrastructure and economic development projects (excluding housing).Application materials are located on the website. Potential applicants are encouraged to call before applying.ISRF financing is available in amounts ranging from $1 million to $65 million.
Lina Moeller (916) 341-6600 California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (IBank) PO Box 2830 Sacramento, CA, 95812
California Pre-Disaster and Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant ProgramsCalifornia Office of Emergency Services (OES)The California Pre-Disaster and Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant Programs funds plans and programs that reduce the effects of natural disasters.Funds are provided from FEMA to California's Office of Emergency Services. Applications will only be considered based on FEMA-approved methodology to demonstrate cost-effectiveness. NOI must be completed and applicants must have a FEMA approved mitigation plan. See "Completing your Notice of Interest (NOI)" section for link to NOI form.Funding varies by project length and scope. (916) 224-1892 California Office of Emergency Services (OES) 3650 Schriever Avenue Mather, CA, 95655
California Office of Public School Construction - Access Modernization Funding for SchoolsCalifornia Office of Public School ConstructionThis program provides funding to school districts and places an emphasis on projects that educationally enhance school facilities, which could include capital improvement projects related to lead reduction. Projects eligible for this service include modifications such as air conditioning, plumbing, lighting and electrical systems.To determine if your project is eligible, submit an application for eligibility and get feedback from the Office of Public School Construction. Forms can be found on the website.To calculate and confirm eligibility and funding, please refer to the Handbook online. Funding varies based on school size.
(916) 376-1771 California Department of General Services Contact the administrator for your county: ( 707 Third Street West Sacramento, CA, 95605
Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and ResilienceCalifornia State Water Resources Control BoardThe Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and Resilience Program (SAFER) is a set of tools, funding sources, and regulatory authorities designed to ensure that one million Californians who currently lack safe drinking water receive safe & affordable drinking water as quickly as possible. The SAFER program also aims to reach sustainable operations for all of the state’s drinking water systems and is a critical element for achieving the goals of safe, accessible, and affordable water for all Californians.Visit the following website for application information: ( level varies per project. Contact for more information.
Office of Sustainable Water Solutions (916) 327-9978 California State Water Resources Control Board P.O. Box 944212 Sacramento, CA, 94244-2120
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