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Resource TitleAuthorDescriptionResource TypeYear
Growing Food ConnectionsAmerican Planning AssociationThis website provides planning and policy briefs and other resources to help increase food security in vulnerable areas, strengthen the sustainability and economic resilience of urban and rural communities, and support farms engaged in local and regional food systems that use sustainable practices.Resource List, Technical Assistance, Tool-
Sharing the Harvest: A Guide to Bridging the Divide between Farmers Markets and Low-Income Shoppers (PDF)Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture ProjectThis report provides tips and tools to improve the accessibility of local markets and increase consumption of healthy local produce. Guide2012
Market Makeover: 25 Best Practices for Farmers' Markets (PDF)Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture ProjectThis report provides guidance for making market improvements and dealing with common issues in the areas of management, regulations, risk management, food safety, improving vendor sales, and marketing.Report2011
Community Health Online Resource CenterCenters for Disease Control and PreventionThis database presents webinars, model policies, toolkits, guides, fact sheets, and other practical materials to help implement changes to prevent disease and promote healthy living. Content areas include healthy and safe physical environments and healthy living.Resource List, Technical Assistance, Tool-
Making the Business Case for Prevention Video SeriesCenters for Disease Control and PreventionThis series shows how healthy living initiatives can help businesses increase profits, bring in more customers, and build goodwill. The series includes videos about healthy food programs, city planning, and community partnerships. Video-
Healthy Food Environment ResourcesCenters for Disease Control and PreventionThis website offers links to resources on zoning, land use planning, and transportation planning to improve access to healthy food; farmland protection; food policy councils; retail food stores; community gardens; farmers markets; farm-to-institution programs; and community food assessments. Resource List, Technical Assistance, Tool-
The Built Environment: An Assessment Tool and ManualCenters for Disease Control and PreventionThis assessment tool helps communities measure the core features and qualities of the built environment that affect health, including walkability; bikeability; and access to grocery stores, convenience stores, and farmers markets.Tool2015
Brownfields Technical Assistance ProgramCouncil of Development and Finance AgenciesWebsite with comprehensive resources on Brownfields financing and related topics, including link to Brownfields Financing Resource Center and Brownfields Finance Tools.Website, Tool-
CDFA Federal Financing Webinar: Federal Recovery Resources from the EPACouncil of Development and Finance AgenciesWebinar on COVID-19 recovery assistance through the EPA by highlighting best practices, case studies, and mitigation tools that will allow your community to be more resilient in the face of natural disasters (for Brownfields, clean water and drinking water projects)Webinars & Videos2020
Culinary Incubator MapCulinary is a nonprofit website to help small food businesses locate commercial kitchens. It includes an interactive map with descriptions of commercial kitchens across the U.S. Resource List-
Consultation on Financing and Governance Options for the Backhaul Alaska ProgramEPA Environmental Financial Advisory Board (EFAB)Advisory letter with recommendation that EPA and state of Alaska identify additional grant funds to support start-up of Backhaul Alaska over the first few years of operations until another long-term sustainable funding source is developed. Report2020
Revenue Options for a Waste Backhaul Service Program in Rural AlaskaEPA Environmental Financial Advisory Board (EFAB)Report with review and recommendations on a Waste Backhaul Service Program that is important to the public health and environment of rural Alaskan communities. Report2019
Financing Strategies for Domestic Recycling Programs (PDF) (PDF)EPA Environmental Financial Advisory Board (EFAB)Report with analysis and observations on financing strategies for domestic recycling programs. The report outlines study charge and describes different types of financing incentives, articulates challenges in domestic recycling market, and provides examples of different approaches that successfully divert materials from landfills.Report2017
Financial Assurance: Report on Improving Cost Estimation and Letter on the Use of Credit Ratings (PDF) (PDF)EPA Environmental Financial Advisory Board (EFAB)Report that examines cost estimation practice and provides recommendations for improving cost estimates that support the use of financial assurance instruments. Examination and recommendations are related to questions about financial assurance requirements for programs operating under Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).Report2010
Financial Assurance: Commercial Insurance as a Financial Assurance Tool (PDF) (PDF)EPA Environmental Financial Advisory Board (EFAB)Report that addresses the use of commercial insurance as a financial assurance tools. This is a the third report responding to requests by the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) to review questions concerning financial assurance requirements for programs established under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Report2010
The Use of Captive Insurance as a Financial Assurance Tool in Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Programs (PDF) (PDF)EPA Environmental Financial Advisory Board (EFAB)Report on captive insurance to address questions about financial assurance requirements for Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER).Report2007
EFAB Initial Findings Concerning Use of the Financial Test and Corporate Guarantees to Meet Financial Assurance Requirements under RCRA Programs (PDF) (PDF)EPA Environmental Financial Advisory Board (EFAB)Letter with initial analysis and response concerning use of financial test and corporate guarantees.Report2006
Protecting America's Land Legacy: Stewardship Policies, Tools, and Incentives to Protect and Restore America's Land Legacy (PDF) (PDF)EPA Environmental Financial Advisory Board (EFAB)Exploration of stewardship as a means to protect and restore U.S. land legacy in advancement of EPA's watershed approach. Concepts explored are ethics and practice. Recommendations are made. Article 2003
Financing the Remediation of Hazardous Waste Sites under NAFTA (PDF) (PDF)EPA Environmental Financial Advisory Board (EFAB)Report on examination of the financing of Mexican border remediation efforts. Three principles are presented that are believed to facilitate the remediation of hazardous waste disposal along the Mexican border. The report structures a finance program that consists of three factors.Report1994
Guidebook for Developing Pedestrian and Bicycle Performance MeasuresFederal Highway AdministrationThis document helps communities develop performance measures that can fully integrate pedestrian and bicycle planning into ongoing performance management activities. Guide, Tool2016
Small Town and Rural Multimodal Networks (PDF)Federal Highway AdministrationThis document helps small towns and rural communities support safe, accessible, comfortable, and active travel for people of all ages and abilities. It provides a bridge between existing guidance on bicycle and pedestrian design and rural practice, encourages innovation in the development of safe and appealing networks for bicycling and walking, and shows examples of project implementation. Guide2016
Case Studies in Delivering Safe, Comfortable and Connected Pedestrian and Bicycle NetworksFederal Highway AdministrationThis document provides an overview of pedestrian and bicycle network principles and highlights case studies from communities across the U.S.Case Study2015
Capital Campaign WorkbookFood Co-op InitiativeThe Food Co-op Initiative’s 2016 workbook helps consumer-owned food co-ops design and implement successful capital campaigns that effectively engage their owners and meet their capital needs.Guide, Tool2016
Cultivating Community Gardens (PDF)Local Government CommissionThe Local Government Commission created a fact sheet on the role of local government in supporting community gardens, including case studies, best management practices, resources, and tools for policymakers.Case Study, Guide, Tool, Resource List-
Commercial Kitchen GuideMinnesota Institute for Sustainable AgricultureThe Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture published a guide that provides information on policies and regulations for those looking to open or operate in a community commercial kitchen.Guide-
Farm to School ResourcesNational Farm to School NetworkThe National Farm to School Network has compiled resources for communities working to bring local food sourcing, school gardens, and food and agriculture education into schools and early care and education settings. Resource List-
Report on Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Economic Development Pilot Program (PDF)Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and EnforcementReport on the process and implementation actions for the AML program.Report2019
Understanding the Link Between Farmers' Market Size and Management OrientationOregon State University Extension ServiceThis report examines common management tools and structures for farmers markets of different sizes to guide strategic planning and resource allocation for new markets and for established markets confronting growth or other significant changes.Report2007
Brownfields Case Study - Indianapolis TrailPartnership for Sustainable Communities Document summarizing the development of an eight-mile Indianapolis Cultural Trail as part of a larger effort to redevelop downtown. Case Study2013
How to Start a Food Co-op ManualThe Cooperative Grocers' Information NetworkThis guide provides an overview of the basic steps and procedures for starting a food co-op. Guide, Tool2010
Brownfields Resource Guide: Assistance in Redevelopment in Washington State (PDF)Toxics Cleanup Program, Washington State Department of EcologyThis document is intended for local governments, developers, property owners, and service professionals who would like to learn more about the Brownfields redevelopment process, funding opportunities, and available technical assistance resources in Washington State.Guide2009
Community Food Systems ResourcesU.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)USDA’s Community Food Systems website compiles resources for farm-to-school programs.Resource List-
Auditing and Accreditation ProgramsU.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)The USDA Agricultural Marketing Service provides voluntary audit and accreditation programs that let producers and suppliers of agricultural products assure customers of their ability to provide consistent quality products or services. The programs are paid through hourly user fees.Other Resource Type-
Wholesale Markets and Facility DesignU.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)The USDA Wholesale Markets and Facility Design Team provides technical assistance on the construction or remodeling of wholesale markets, farmers markets, public markets, and food hubs. Technical Assistance, Tool-
The USDA Farm to School Planning Toolkit (PDF)U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)The USDA Food and Nutrition Service created a guide of questions to consider and helpful resources to reference when starting or growing a farm-to-school program. It is designed for use by schools, school districts, and community partners. Technical Assistance, Tool-
National Farmers Market DirectoryU.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)The USDA Agricultural Marketing Service maintains a directory of information about farmers markets, including locations, directions, operating times, product offerings, accepted forms of payment, and more.Resource List-
Local and Regional Food Market NewsU.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)USDA Market News works with state departments of agriculture and local and regional food systems to provide prices, volume, and other information on agricultural commodities sold at local and regional markets throughout the U.S. Article, Guide-
The Economics of Local Food Systems: A Toolkit to Guide Community Discussions, Assessments and Choices (PDF)U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)This toolkit helps guide and enhance the capacity of local organizations to make more deliberate and credible measurements of local and regional economic activity and other ancillary benefits.Guide, Tool2016
Urban Agriculture Toolkit (PDF)U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)This toolkit lays out the common operational elements that most urban farmers must consider as they start or grow their operations. It also contains a section on resources for developing indoor growing operations, such as aquaponic facilities. For each element, the toolkit identifies technical and financial resources from federal, state, and local partners.Guide, Tool2016
Food Value Chains: Creating Shared Value to Enhance Marketing SuccessU.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)This report provides guidance on how food value chains are initiated and structured, how they function, and the benefits they provide to participants.Report2014
Regional Food Hub Resource GuideU.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)This guide examines the role of food hubs in regional food systems and compiles information on the resources available to support their growth and development. Guide2012
Moving Food Along the Value Chain: Innovations in Regional Food DistributionU.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)This report shares lessons learned and best practices from eight producer networks and their partners distributing locally or regionally grown food to retail and food service customers. Report2012
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) at Farmers Markets: A How-To HandbookU.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)This report describes how to accept SNAP benefits at farmers markets, including what equipment is required, how to install electronic benefit transfer (EBT) systems, and how to make SNAP EBT succeed at farmers markets.Guide2010
Local Foods, Local PlacesU.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)Local Foods, Local Places helps cities and towns across the country protect the environment and human health by engaging with local partners to reinvest in existing neighborhoods as they develop local food systems. Local Foods, Local Places supports locally led, community-driven efforts to protect air and water quality, preserve open space and farmland, boost economic opportunities for local farmers and businesses, improve access to healthy local food, and promote childhood wellness.Technical Assistance, Tool-
Cool & ConnectedU.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)Under this program, USDA and EPA funded teams of experts to help members of selected communities develop strategies and an action plan for using planned or existing broadband service to promote smart, sustainable community development and improve human health and the environment. Technical Assistance, Tool-
RE-Powering’s Electronic Decision TreeU.S. EPAAn electronic decision tree tool that guides interested parties through a process to screen sites for their suitability for solar photovoltaics or wind installations. Tool-
TAG Recipient ManualU.S. EPAProvides detailed information and tools for managing a TAG. This information has been organized into nine separate sections for easy downloading.Guide-
Land Use Considerations Training ModuleU.S. EPATraining module to educate stakeholders about the various land use considerations for pursuing renewable energy projects on contaminated lands, landfills and mine sites. In this module, users learn how to screen sites for renewable energy project development.Training -
Pollution Prevention Tools and CalculatorsU.S. EPAWebpage with downloads to Excel calculators intended to help P2 (Pollution Prevention) grantees measure environmental outcomes and economic performanceTool-
Superfund Redevelopment PartnershipsU.S. EPAThis page highlights several organizations that support the reuse of Superfund sites for ecological purposes, and offer additional resources for Superfund projects. Resource List-
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