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Resource TitleAuthorDescriptionResource TypeYear
RE-Powering’s Electronic Decision TreeU.S. EPAAn electronic decision tree tool that guides interested parties through a process to screen sites for their suitability for solar photovoltaics or wind installations. Tool-
Resources to Request Supplemental Funding for RLF GrantsU.S. EPAFor those already with an RLF grant, a resource on how to apply for supplemental funding.Resource List-
Smart Growth Technical Assistance ProgramsU.S. EPAWebpage containing technical assistance opportunities offered by EPA to help communities learn about and implementing smart growth approaches.Resource List-
Pollution Prevention Tools and CalculatorsU.S. EPAWebpage with downloads to Excel calculators intended to help P2 (Pollution Prevention) grantees measure environmental outcomes and economic performanceTool-
TAG Recipient ManualU.S. EPAProvides detailed information and tools for managing a TAG. This information has been organized into nine separate sections for easy downloading.Guide-
Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Program in Indian CountryU.S. EPAWebpage on the underground storage tank (UST) program in Indian Country, along with relevant training resources, publications and tribal data. Website-
Superfund Redevelopment PartnershipsU.S. EPAThis page highlights several organizations that support the reuse of Superfund sites for ecological purposes, and offer additional resources for Superfund projects. Resource List-
Overview of P2 Grants National Emphasis Areas WebinarU.S. EPAWebinar providing guidance on the sector-focused National Emphasis Areas (NEAs), providing possible projects that would be applicable under the NEAs and offered additional resources. Webinars & Videos2020
Information on Eligible Planning ActivitiesU.S. EPAInformation on eligible planning activities for EPA Brownfield Assessment or Multipurpose Grants. Includes links to relevant assessment and planning documents. Resource List2020
Guidance to Grantees on Reporting Outputs and Outcomes (PDF)U.S. EPAGuidance to assist applicants in describing the project characteristics and documenting P2 outcome data. Guide2020
Grant Guidance for Multipurpose Grants to States and TribesU.S. EPAGuidance for multipurpose grants for states and tribes. Includes details about eligible recipients, eligible uses, and administrative information.Resource List2020
Grant Program Guidance for ApplicantsU.S. EPAWebsite with most recent fiscal year guidance for prospective applicants for both the Pollution Prevention and the Source Reduction Assistance Grant Programs.Guide2020
EPA Pollution Prevention Grants FY 20-21 Request for ApplicationsU.S. EPAWebinar of an overview of the P2 Grant program and the application submission process to help potential applicants submit high-quality applications to EPA for consideration and additional resources.Webinars & Videos2020
EPA Grants Policy ResourcesU.S. EPAResource list of EPA grant policies and how they may affect recipients of EPA assistance agreements.Resource List2020
EPA Brownfields Multipurpose Grants (PDF)U.S. EPAFactsheet on the eligibility and application process for EPA Brownfields Multipurpose GrantsGuide2020
EPA Brownfields Cleanup Grants Factsheet (PDF)U.S. EPAFactsheet on the eligibility and application process for EPA Brownfields Cleanup GrantsGuide2020
Environmental Justice Program Funded ProjectsU.S. EPAInteractive map of previously funded EJ projects Tool2020
Brownfields and Land Revitalization in the Pacific Southwest (Region 9)U.S. EPAWebsite for Brownfields Program in Region 9. Includes links to case studies, technical assistance and grants to state and tribal communities in the region.Website2020
Brownfields and Land Revitalization in Region 8U.S. EPAWebsite for Brownfields Program in Region 8. Includes links to case studies, technical assistance and grants to state and tribal communities in the region.Website2020
Brownfields and Land Revitalization in Region 7U.S. EPAWebsite for Brownfields Program in Region 7. Includes links to case studies, technical assistance and grants to state and tribal communities in the region.Website2020
Brownfields and Land Revitalization in Region 6U.S. EPAWebsite for Brownfields Program in Region 6. Includes links to case studies, technical assistance and grants to state and tribal communities in the region.Website2020
Brownfields and Land Revitalization in Region 4U.S. EPAWebsite for Brownfields Program in Region 4. Includes links to case studies, technical assistance and grants to state and tribal communities in the region.Website2020
Brownfields and Land Revitalization in Region 3U.S. EPAWebsite for Brownfields Program in Region 3. Includes links to case studies, technical assistance and grants to state and tribal communities in the region.Website2020
Brownfields and Land Revitalization in Region 10U.S. EPAWebsite for Brownfields Program in Region 10. Includes links to case studies, technical assistance and grants to state and tribal communities in the region.Website2020
Brownfields and Land Revitalization in New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin IslandsU.S. EPAWebsite for Brownfields Program in Region 2. Includes links to case studies, technical assistance and grants to state and tribal communities in the region.Website2020
Brownfields and Land Revitalization in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and WisconsinU.S. EPAWebsite for Brownfields Program in Region 5. Includes links to case studies, technical assistance and grants to state and tribal communities in the region.Website2020
Brownfields & Land Revitalization in Region 1U.S. EPAWebsite for Brownfields Program in Region 1. Includes links to case studies, technical assistance and grants to state and tribal communities in the region.Website2020
Source Reduction Assistance (SRA) Grant Program WebinarU.S. EPAWebinar to help potential eligible applicants prepare for the FY 2020-2021 Source Reduction Assistance (SRA) Grant Request for Applications (RFA).Webinars & Videos2020
Re-Powering: Discussion PapersU.S. EPALinks to four discussion papers relating to rehabilitating contaminated sites with renewable energy.Report2020
Revolving Loan Fund Grant Factsheet (PDF)U.S. EPAThis fact sheet provides information on how to apply for an EPA Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Grant.Guide2020
Superfund Redevelopment Technical Assistance Services (PDF)U.S. EPAAn overview of EPA-offered technical assistance in redeveloping Superfund sites.Guide2020
Superfund Redevelopment Using Opportunity Zone Tax Incentives (PDF)U.S. EPAThis fact sheet provides information on using Opportunity Zone tax incentives for Superfund site redevelopment. Redevelopment of current or former Superfund sites may qualify for Opportunity Zone tax benefits.Guide2020
Superfund Training CatalogU.S. EPAIn partnership with the several other entities, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides a range of training information delivered by different methods (e.g. webcasts, classroom, video, self-directed) to EPA, other federal agency, state, tribal, and local staff involved in hazardous waste management and remediation.Training 2020
Allowable Solid Waste and Recovered Resource Program Implementation, Collection, Transportation, Backhaul and Disposal Costs (PDF)U.S. EPADocument listing examples of allowable and unallowable tribal solid waste program implementation activities through Fiscal Year 2020 based on the FY 2016 Consolidated Appropriations Act. This table is a resource for Indian Environmental General Assistance Program (GAP) project officers and grantees negotiating solid waste program implementation work plan components and commitments.Guide2016
Setting the Stage for Leveraging Resources for Brownfields RevitalizationU.S. EPAThis guide was developed to assist communities in overcoming the challenges of making sound investment decisions to attract additional resources for community revitalization.Guide2016
Partnership for Sustainable Communities Brownfields PilotsU.S. EPAThis document provides information about the partnerships that were formed during the Brownfields Pilots to create sustainable communities in those affected areas.Case Study2015
RE-Powering Success Stories: Green ManufacturingU.S. EPAList of and links to case studies discussing formerly contaminated lands, landfills, and mine sites that are manufacturing components for renewable energy, either solar panels, wind turbines, or other components.Case Study2015
Tribal Brownfields and Response Programs - Respecting Our Land, Revitalizing Our CommunitiesU.S. EPAThis report highlights how tribes are using EPA funding to address contaminated land in Indian country and other tribal lands.Case Study2015
RE-Powering Success Stories: Brownfields RedevelopmentU.S. EPACase study highlighting a former brownfield site that integrates renewable energy with an overall reuse plan and support of other uses.Case Study2015
RE-Powering Success Stories: Electricity GenerationU.S. EPAList of and links to case studies highlighting projects on formerly contaminated lands, landfills, and mine sites that are generating electricity for onsite use or to sell back to the grid.Case Study2015
RE-Powering Success Stories: Powering RemediationU.S. EPAList of and links to case studies highlighting stories of sites that are using renewable energy for remediation and/or cleanup purposes. These projects can help offset remediation costs associated with cleanup activities.Case Study2015
Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Cleanup Assistance Agreements GuidanceU.S. EPAWebpageCase Study2011
Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Prevention Assistance Agreements GuidanceU.S. EPAWebpage with links to 2 PDFs which provide information about using the Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Trust Fund for prevention activities at UST sitesGuide2009
Re-Powering Feasibility StudiesU.S. EPA, National Renewable Energy LaboratoryWebpage with compilation of feasibility studies and case studies on developing renewable energy production on Superfund sites, brownfields, and former landfills or mines.Website, Feasibility Study, Case Study-
Brownfields and Community Supported AgricultureU.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)EPA’s Brownfields program provides information on community supported and urban agriculture projects on brownfield properties.Resource List-
Brownfields and Urban Agriculture: Interim Guidelines for Safe Gardening PracticesU.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)This document presents the input of 60 experts from academia, state, and local government, and the nonprofit sector who gathered in Chicago during October 2010 to outline the range of issues that need to be addressed to safely grow food on former brownfield sites.Guide-
Steps to Create a Community Garden or Expand Urban AgricultureU.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)This website presents information on how to create a community garden or expand urban agriculture, particularly in areas that might be at risk from potential contaminants.Guide-
EJSCREENU.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)EJSCREEN is an environmental justice mapping and screening tool that provides EPA and the public with a nationally consistent dataset and approach for combining environmental and demographic indicators. EJSCREEN users choose a geographic area; the tool then provides demographic and environmental information for that area. EJSCREEN provides a way to display publicly available information and includes a method for combining environmental and demographic indicators into EJ indexes. Website,Tool-
Aquaponics Business Plan User GuideU.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)This document is modeled after the Urban Farm Business Plan Handbook and provides an outline and guidance for the development of a business plan for an aquaponic farm. Guide2016
Industrial Properties Renewed Through Agriculture: Reusing Land to Support Agriculture and Food SystemsU.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)This document discusses reusing industrial brownfields for agriculture, including important public health considerations as well as environmental and planning and zoning considerations.Guide2010
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