Water Finance Clearinghouse
Water Finance Learning Modules
The water finance learning modules provide information on different financing sources and funding topics to decision makers who are considering water infrastructure investments. Click on a module to learn more.
SRF 101 module is coming soon.
Funding and Financing Water Infrastructure
SRF 101
The SRF 101 learning module is for potential State Revolving Fund (SRF) borrowers interested in learning about the Clean Water and Drinking Water SRF Loan programs.
The WIFIA 101 learning module is for prospective borrowers interested in learning about Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) financing.
FITS is a one-stop-shop tool that explains how users can integrate various federal funding sources to support activities that protect sources of drinking water. Users may navigate between source water protection funding sources, planning and funding coordination information, and examples of funding sources in action, to inspire their own source water protection activities.
Sustainable Financing Management Planning
The Sustainable Financing Management Planning for Water Utilities learning module is for utility managers and other professionals seeking to learn more about innovative financing through case study profiles.
Financing Stormwater Management Infrastructure
The Financing Stormwater Management Infrastructure learning module is for municipal officials and utility managers seeking to identify financing to support capital investments in stormwater management.
Private Drinking Water Wells
The Private Drinking Water Wells learning module is for homeowners who are seeking information to support the operations & maintenance of existing private wells or the construction of new systems.
Financing Septic Systems
The Financing Septic Systems learning module is for homeowners seeking information to support the operations and maintenance, repair, or new construction of septic systems.